Sorry for the few posts, but I ended up spending a lot of time at work and a lot of time with family this holiday season.
I originally planned on doing a Holiday wrap up post today, but instead I'm going to save that for Thursday's posts. I've decided I'm only going to blog twice a week instead of every
Anyway, tonight I sat down and really focused on my goals for 2016. I personally don't believe in resolutions, because mostly they're there for people to forget about.
I only have three because I'm all about quality of quantity.
1. Fitness
--Workout 3 times a week.
--Drink more water.
How do I hold myself accountable?
--Tracking with apps
--Online programs like Blogilates and ToneItUp
--Going to the occasional class
2. Happiness
-- Incorporating more fitness.
--Write down three things that make me happy at least three times a week.
--Blog more--2 times a week.
How do I hold myself accountable?
--Writing it down.
--Blog posts are public for the world to see.
--Planning ahead
3. Career
--Take classes toward teaching license.
--Take and pass tests (VCLA and Pracis Math).
--Apply to post-bac program (by end of April).
--Volunteer at elementary school.
--Apply for
How do I hold myself accountable?
--Studying (for classes and tests).
--Working hard to be able to afford said tests and classes.
--Finish everything for application far in advance (hopefully by the first week in March).
--Setting small goals to help reach the bigger ones.