Recent Purchases: Fall 2017

7:00 AM

Hi Y'all,

You're probably going, you've already bought everything for fall? Yep. I have. See, I'm student teaching so I knew I had to be on top of it this year.

I definitely hit up the Nordstrom Sale; however, I saw enough posts on it, so I didn't want to hit y'all with anymore than necessary.

Overall, I haven't really felt like I need to buy too much (more like get rid of instead).

Anyway, I definitely stuck to things I would "need" for student teaching and for my future teaching career. Sometimes, I can be practical.

Everything but the gingham dress came from Nordstrom during the #NSale. The Gingham dress is KJP's Jamestown Picnic Dress.

What are y'all have your eye on?

with southern grace,

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Reading your comments absolutely make my day, thanks for writing one!
with southern grace,