Thankful for Family

8:00 AM

Hi y'all,
Today's post is one that's very close to my heart, my thankfulness for my family. 

I'm super lucky and have a super supportive family. For instance, I don't know many parents who allow their kids to move back home, then think they're going to start a business, and then up and decide they're going back to school, while working full time.

I'm lucky that I have a mom and dad to call when I'm not feeling well, and they'll drive to the store to get me Gatorade and sit with me all day to make sure nothing happens to me.

I'm lucky to have a mom who will take my car to fill it with gas (and use her COSTCO card for me). 

Parents' who came to every game, and every horse show...even when they're three plus hours away.

Parents' who buy me clothes, shoes, etc. with a smile.

Parents' who drive three hours to see me at school for maybe half a day...just to drive three hours home again.

Essentially, I'm super lucky and thankful....

with southern grace,